Asylee Women Enterprise

Supporting forced migrants as they heal from past trauma and rebuild their lives in Maryland


Who We Are

AWE supports asylum seekers, foreign-born survivors of human trafficking, and other forced migrants, as they rebuild their lives in Maryland with dignity and hope. 

AWE provides holistic and trauma-informed services to support growth and stability. Our unique model focuses on the importance of companionship and community and provides a space for our clients to learn, share, and support one another. Our services include case management, immigration legal assistance, assistance meeting basic needs, and connections to healthcare and community resources.

Our services are open to individuals of all ages and genders.


To request assistance or get additional information about our services and eligibility, click below or call us at (443) 850-0627

Our Services

To request assistance or get additional information about our services and eligibility, click below or call us at: 443-850-0627 

Featured News

By Beth Watkins March 10, 2025
We complete satisfaction surveys with every client throughout their time at AWE. One question we always ask is, “What is the most impactful aspect of our services?” Overwhelmingly, clients mention the sense of community and welcome. Community is at the heart of our work, and we are committed to creating a warm, welcoming, and supportive space for everyone we serve. Clients, volunteers, staff, donors, and partners are all essential parts of the AWE community.  But what exactly do we mean when we talk about the AWE community?
Maria’s two daughters play in AWE’s community garden.
By Lauri Hidalgo and Laura Brown January 18, 2025
Maria fled violence in Central America with her two small children and came to the US seeking safety. Soon after she arrived, an acquaintance in Maryland offered her a place to live and help finding a job. But once here, Maria and her daughters were locked in a room, and she was only allowed to leave to work. Her traffickers forced her to use fake identity documents and hand over all the money she earned. They threatened to deport her and hurt her family back home if she tried to escape.  Maria and her daughters eventually escaped, and a few weeks later, she showed up at AWE asking for help. We quickly enrolled her and began providing wraparound support for the family. Maria is now working with a lawyer to apply for a T Visa—a form of immigration relief available to trafficking survivors who cooperate with law enforcement to investigate and prosecute their traffickers. Maria is one of thousands of immigrant adults and children who are trafficked in the US each year. Without permanent immigration status and often unfamiliar with the language, culture, and laws of their new country, immigrants are especially vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.

Our Partners

We work with government offices, refugee resettlement agencies, community groups, volunteers, and neighbors to help restore safety, dignity and hope to those whose lives have been uprooted by violence and disaster.

Support Our Work

AWE is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Your donations are tax deductible.

Donations are vital to continuing the work that we do. No matter the method, your support makes our work possible.


If you are interested in volunteering we would be happy to match your skills, interests and availability to one of our many needs.

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